極光、聖誕老人——就無我份啦,但午夜太陽、姆明、馴鹿,anything about Finland,都歡迎,feed me! 還有anything about 北歐,IKEA、H&M、藍罐曲奇、甚至九唔搭八挪威的森林、斯德歌爾摩情人,我都好歡迎。在我面前提起,我都會好開心架。
不過,前提係一、先寫完一篇叫"The Unbearable Otherness of Being a Nobel Prize Laureate: A Case Study of Chinese Writer Mo Yan"的論文 (Don't ask me what's it all about.) 二、6/21前要趕回來,慶祝——夏至 or 17週年的……人生啦。
語無倫次,cos I'm really happy.
極光、聖誕老人——就無我份啦,但午夜太陽、姆明、馴鹿,anything about Finland,都歡迎,feed me! 還有anything about 北歐,IKEA、H&M、藍罐曲奇、甚至九唔搭八挪威的森林、斯德歌爾摩情人,我都好歡迎。在我面前提起,我都會好開心架。
不過,前提係一、先寫完一篇叫"The Unbearable Otherness of Being a Nobel Prize Laureate: A Case Study of Chinese Writer Mo Yan"的論文 (Don't ask me what's it all about.) 二、6/21前要趕回來,慶祝——夏至 or 17週年的……人生啦。
語無倫次,cos I'm really happy.