Channel: 2+2=5 Two and Two Always Makes up Five
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〔擺明係抄,抄完又抄。這次來自一個叫 Mockingbird 的 Blog,由選段到選照片俱佳,唔抄點得。〕
“To be able to love a person despite his weaknesses and defects and imperfections is still not perfect love, but rather this, to be able to find him lovable despite and with his weaknesses and defects and imperfections. Let us understand each other. It is one thing fastidiously to want to eat only the choicest and most delectable dish when it is exquisitely prepared or, even when this is the case, fastidiously to find one or another defect in it. It is something else not merely to be able to eat plainer foods but to be able to find this plainer food to be the most exquisite, because the task is not to develop one’s fastidiousness but to transform oneself and one’s taste.”

-Søren Kierkegaard, Works of Love, p. 157-8

又係齊克果,配狂人Don,真係,馬上變得雋永深刻,如在目前。簡言之︰不是「弱點、缺點、不完美我也愛他」,而是「我愛他的弱點、缺點、不完美。」Madmen 五季,看完幾經辛苦才克制自己不要箝住粉紅BY講講講,點到即止寫封千字email算了。都說《廣告狂人》軟硬兼施強推美國價值︰自由、快樂、消費,當然還有虛幻浮華到無倫的廣告業,要乜有乜,Vanity Fair。

但論強勢力推,應該是男人工作至上價值。生意要做,account 要爭,所有劇情都要讓路,直至所有危機瓦解,Don 才可以開杯威士忌,從落地玻璃眺望對面大廈,思索一下做爸爸、丈夫或情人的責任和意義。Don Draper,幾多人的OT通頂,閉關失蹤,公司當家,都因你之名,變得深邃有質感,魅力又有承擔。其實,很多時候,通宵不過是通宵,不過是日頭起得晚,下晝做得慢,夜晚又睇奧運……的結果。我說我。

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